Cool Blue Hydrangea and Lily Arrangement
The Cool Blue Bouquet is a wonderful way to send peaceful wishes to a special someone. This display brings together gorgeous white asiatic lilies, cream roses, field fresh daisies and white alstroemeria, surrounded by lush greens. Presented in a dark blue glass vase to contrast the bright white blooms, this refreshing flower arrangement will make an excellent thank you, get well, engagement, new baby or sympathy gift.
The Cool Blue Bouquet is a wonderful way to send peaceful wishes to a special someone. This display brings together gorgeous white asiatic lilies, cream roses, field fresh daisies and white alstroemeria, surrounded by lush greens. Presented in a dark blue glass vase to contrast the bright white blooms, this refreshing flower arrangement will make an excellent thank you, get well, engagement, new baby or sympathy gift.
What People Are Saying
I ordered an empathy arrangement this past week on behalf of myself and a friend. The young lady on the phone was very pleasant and helpful; the recipients posted a photo and it was lovely, exactly as ordered. I would definitely use Forest of Flowers again and won't hesitate to recommend them. Thank you!
Just used Forest of Flowers for my wedding, and not only was the service amazing and friendly, the quality was amazing and prices reasonable! I didn’t really know what I needed or wanted, but sent photos of my inspiration and they helped me decide from there! Very happy with my choice to use them for my special day! Thanks for everything!!
I wanted a non-traditional condolences bouquet sent to friends. The florist offered to make something herself, rather than picking from the online selection and an absolutely beautiful arrangement was delivered. I'm very happy and would definitely recommend.
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